As Trans Antalya Nakliyat İnşaat Turizm Tic. Ve San. Ltd. Şti., we have prepared this clarifying text according to the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“Law on PPD”) and related legislation, in order to enlighten our customers, business connections and users, who use our website, regarding the processing, retention and transfer of your personal data within the framework of our activities in the business law, social security incentives, finance and business management sectors.
What are general and special personal data?
All kind of information belonged to the real person who are identifiable or whose identity can be specified, are described as personal data.
The race, ethnicity, political thought, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, disguise and outfit, association, foundation or union membership, health, sexual life, criminal conviction and security measures and biometric and genetic data of the persons are special personal data.
The processing of the sensitive personal data is forbidden without explicit consent of relevant person. Personal data other than health and sexual life can be processed without the explicit consent of the person concerned, in cases provided for by law. Personal data related to health and sexual life can be processed by the persons having confidentiality obligation or by the authorized organisations and institutions without explicit consent of relevant person and in the situations foreseen by the law, only for the purpose of protecting public health, preventive medicine, conducting medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and managing health services and finance. In the processing of sensitive personal data, it is also necessary to take adequate measures determined by the Board.
What kinds of your data are collected and what is our purpose of data collection?
We collect your following data in the scope of our services provided by us in the logistics
1. Credentials
2. contact information
3. Personal information
4. Location data
5. Judicial action
6. Customer transaction
7. Physical space security
8. Transaction security
9. Professional experience
10. Audio and visual recordings
11. Health information
12. Criminal conviction and security precautions
Data category |
Credentials |
Explanation |
Information regarding to identification of the person
From whom are they collected |
They are collected from workers, company partners, trainees, supplier employee and representative or the persons taking service and work product
Content |
Data such as name-surname, T.R. identity number, tax number, social security registration number, photocopy of identity card, signature
The purpose of collecting data |
• Fulfilment of Liabilities Arising from Employment Contract and Legislation for Employees • Execution of fringe benefits and advantage processes for Employees • Execution of Audit / Ethics Activities • Execution of Training Activities • Execution of Clearances • Execution of Activities in Compliance with the Legislation • Execution of Financial and Accounting Affairs • Execution of Appointment Processes • Tracking and Execution of Legal Affairs • Planning of Human Resources Processes
• Execution / Control of Business Activities • Execution of Occupational Health / Safety Activities • Execution of Logistics Activities • Execution of Goods / Services Production and Operation Processes • Execution of Custody and Archive Activities • Execution of Contract Processes • Requests / Complaints Tracking • Giving Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations • Execution of Management Activities
Data category |
Communication Information |
Explanation |
Personal data that enables communication with the person
From whom are they collected |
They are collected from workers, company partners, trainees, employee and representative of supplier or the persons taking service and work product
Content |
Data such as home and work address, mobile phone number, home phone number, postal address and e-mail address
The purpose of collecting data |
• Execution of Information Security Processes • Fulfilment of Liabilities Arising from Employment Contract and Legislation for Employees • Execution of Fringe Benefits and Advantage Processes for Employees • Execution of Training Activities • Execution of Access Authorization • Execution of Activities in Compliance with the Legislation • Execution of Financial and Accounting Affairs • Execution of Appointment Processes • Tracking and Execution of Legal Affairs • Execution of Communication Activities • Planning of Human Resources Processes • Execution / Control of Business Activities • Execution of Occupational Health / Safety Activities • Execution of Logistics Activities
• Execution of Buying Goods / Service Processes • Execution of Selling Goods / Service Processes • Execution of Goods / Services Production and Operation Processes • Execution of Custody and Archive Activities • Execution of Contract Processes • Execution of Supply Chain Management Processes • Giving Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations • Execution of Management Activities
Data category |
Personnel Data |
Explanation |
Employee data that must be stored by the employer due to legislation
From whom are they collected |
They are collected from employees
Content |
Information such as credentials, contact information, Position/title information, Diploma and certificates, Work history and its details, Service / work document taken from previous workplace, SSI statement of employment, SSI statement of termination of Employment, Criminal record, Discharge certificate, State of health, Minimum living allowance (MLA) information
The purpose of collecting data |
• Fulfilment of Liabilities Arising from Employment Contract and Legislation for Employees • Execution of Fringe Benefits and Advantage Processes for Employees • Execution of Training Activities • Execution of Access Authorization • Execution of Activities in Compliance with the Legislation • Execution of Financial and Accounting Affairs • Execution of Appointment Processes • Tracking and Execution of Legal Affairs • Execution of Communication Activities • Planning of Human Resources Processes • Execution / Control of Business Activities
• Execution of Occupational Health / Safety Activities • Execution of Logistics Activities • Execution of Custody and Archive Activities • Execution of Contract Processes • Requests / Complaints Tracking • Conducting Talent / Career Development Activities • Giving Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations • Execution of Management Activities
Data category |
Location Data |
Explanation |
The necessary information, in order to be carried out logistic activities that our main activity is. |
From whom are they collected |
Location data are collected from vehicles used by our drivers and by the drivers of supplier
Content |
Within the scope of our road transport activity, the location information of TIR and the vehicles like them and thereby location information of drivers are accessed in order to track the situation of their load.
The purpose of collecting data |
• Fulfilment of Liabilities Arising from Employment Contract and Legislation for Employees • Execution of Fringe Benefits and Advantage Processes for Employees • Execution of Audit / Ethics Activities • Execution of Activities in Compliance with the Legislation • Tracking and Execution of Legal Affairs • Execution of Communication Activities • Execution / Control of Business Activities • Execution of Occupational Health / Safety Activities • Execution of Logistics Activities • Execution of Goods / Services Production and Operation Processes • Execution of Custody and Archive Activities • Execution of Contract Processes • Ensuring the Security of Movable Goods and Resources • Giving Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations • Execution of Management Activities
Data category |
Judicial Action |
Explanation |
It is the legal data collected to ensure the legal security of the company within the scope of the obligations arising from the legislation.
From whom are they collected |
They are collected from workers, company partners, trainees, employee and representative of supplier or the persons taking service and product
Content |
The documents such as writings from official institutions, writings from courts, lien notification, information and documents related to the lawsuits brought.
The purpose of collecting data |
• Fulfilment of Liabilities Arising from Employment Contract and Legislation for Employees • Execution of Audit / Ethics Activities • Execution of Activities in Compliance with the Legislation • Execution of Financial and Accounting Affairs • Tracking and Execution of Legal Affairs • Planning of Human Resources Processes • Execution / Control of Business Activities • Execution of Occupational Health / Safety Activities • Execution of Custody and Archive Activities • Execution of Contract Processes • Following up of Requests / Complaints • Giving Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations • Execution of Management Activities
Data category |
Customer Transaction |
Explanation |
Information such as request, invoice, stamp-signature information of customers and stamp-signature information of suppliers.
From whom are they collected |
They are collected from employee of supplier and representative of of supplier or the persons taking service and product
Content |
Information such as request, invoice, stamp-signature information of customers and stamp-signature information of suppliers.
The purpose of collecting data |
• Execution of Activities in Compliance with the Legislation • Execution of Financial and Accounting Affairs • Tracking and Execution of Legal Affairs • Execution of Communication Activities • Execution / Control of Business Activities • Receiving and Evaluating of Suggestions for Improving Business Processes • Conducting of Business Continuity and Execution of Activities • Execution of Buying Goods / Service Processes • Execution of Selling Goods / Service Processes • Execution of Goods / Services Production and Operation Processes • Execution of Custody and Archive Activities • Execution of Contract Processes • Ensuring the Security of Data Responsible Operations • Giving Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations • Execution of Management Activities
Data category |
Physical Space Security |
Explanation |
Measures to ensure the security of physical space
From whom are they collected |
They are collected from employee candidate, employees, company partners, potential product or service buyers, trainees, supplier employees, supplier Authority, product or service buyers, and visitors.
Content |
Camera records
The purpose of collecting data |
• Ensuring Physical Space Security • Execution / Control of Business Activities • Execution of Occupational Health / Safety Activities • Execution of Logistics Activities • Ensuring the Security of Movable Goods and Resources
Data category |
Transaction Security |
Explanation |
They are data such as IP address information, website login and exit information, password and passphrase.
From whom are they collected |
They are collected from employees and company partners
Content |
They are data such as IP address information, website login and exit information, password and passphrase.
The purpose of collecting data |
• Execution of Information Security Processes • Execution of Activities in Compliance with the Legislation • Tracking and Execution of Legal Affairs • Execution / Control of Business Activities • Execution of Custody and Archive Activities • Ensuring the Security of Data Responsible Operations
Data category |
Professional Experience |
Explanation |
They are Data such as Diploma information, the courses attended, in-service training information, certificates, transcript information and work experience.
From whom are they collected |
They are collected from employees
Content |
They are Data such as Diploma information, the courses attended, in-service training information, certificates, transcript information and profession experience
The purpose of collecting data |
• Fulfilment of Liabilities Arising from Employment Contract and Legislation for Employees • Execution of Fringe Benefits and Advantage Processes for Employees • Execution of Training Activities • Execution of Appointment Processes • Planning of Human Resources Processes
Data category |
Audio and Visual Recordings |
Explanation |
Measures to ensure the security of physical space
From whom are they collected |
They are collected from employee candidate, employees, company partners, potential product or service buyers, trainees, supplier employees, supplier Authority, product or service buyers, and visitors.
Content |
Camera recordings
The purpose of collecting data |
Ensuring of Security of Physical Space
Data category |
Health Information |
Explanation |
It is the health data which are required that the employees can work.
From whom to collect |
They are collected from employees
Content |
Information about disability status, blood group information, personal health information, device and prosthesis information etc.
The purpose of collecting data |
• Fulfilment of Liabilities Arising from Employment Contract and Legislation for Employees • Execution of Fringe Benefits and Advantage Processes for Employees • Execution of Occupational Health / Safety Activities • Planning of Human Resources Processes
Data category |
Criminal Conviction and Security Precautions
Explanation |
Information on criminal conviction and security measures etc.
From whom are they collected |
They are collected from employees
Content |
Information on criminal conviction and security measures etc.
The purpose of collecting data |
• Fulfilment of Liabilities Arising from Employment Contract and Legislation for Employees • Planning of Human Resources Processes
What is the Legal Reason for Collecting Your Data?
Within the scope of our services that we provide in the logistics sector, we process the personal data due to our obligations in related regulations (legal obligations), contractual relationships, the obligations in the law and our legitimate interests.
In What Way do We Collect Your Data?
We collect data through printed forms, sometimes directly through forms in electronic media or through meetings / interviews.
Transfer of Your Personal Data to Third Party
Where necessary, in accordance with our obligations stipulated in the legislation, in cases specified in the legal regulations, your personal data are shared with the persons and institutions authorized by a court decision or by the request of the administrative authority, which is clearly authorized by the law. In addition, your personal data may be shared with suppliers and related third parties for the maintenance of our business activities, too.
Transfer of Your Personal Data to Abroad
In condition of existing one of the followings counted limited, your personal data may only be transferred abroad:
· If you have explicit consent
· In condition of existing of the Situations stipulated in the personal data protection law (PDPL), and if there is adequate protection in the country to be transferred
· Although the conditions envisaged in the Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) and the country where the data will be transferred do have sufficient protection, if there are a commitment made by the relevant country and the permission of the Personal Data Protection Board (the "Board").
Storage Periods Belonging to Your Personal Data
The storage periods belonging to your personal data are as follows:
· If a deadline for data retention has been determined by a provision in the law or related legislation, the data must be stored for at least this period. The mentioned data are deleted at the end of the specified period.
· If a period has not been determined by law regarding the retention of the data that we process, the said data is kept in accordance with the relationship between us and for the period specified in the contract with which you are a party. The data is deleted - without your request - in case the relationship ends or the period specified in the contract expires.
· Your request will not be fulfilled if a period is foreseen in the legislation regarding the data retention and if you are requested to be deleted such data before this time. If the time for data retention is not specified in the legislation, if you have a request to be deleted the data, your data will be deleted immediately and within 30 days at the latest.
Your Rights That You Have Regarding to Your Personal Data
The rights that you have regarding your personal data are listed below.
1. To get information whether your personal data are processed
2. To demand information If your personal data have been processed
3. To get information what the purpose of your personal data were processed and whether this purpose is complied with.
4. To get information about the people to whom your personal data were transferred domestically or abroad
5. To demand the correction of your data, if they have been processed incomplete or incorrect
6. To request the deleting or destruction of your personal data in accordance with the provisions of Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL)
7. To demand to be notified the situation to the third parties to whom we have transferred your data, if you have requested the deleting or destruction of your personal data.
8. To object the situation, if a situation has occurred against you during analysing your personal data through automated systems.
9. To request the removal of damage if you are harmed due to unlawful processing of your personal data.
Exercise of Rights
Without prejudice to other methods determined by the Board, you may send your requests for exercising your rights regarding your personal data, if a separate method is determined by the Board of Personal Data Protection (PDP), by this method or with the application form of Trans Antalya Nakliyat İnşaat Turizm Tic. And San. Ltd. Sti. or by writing and with a wet signature to the address Altinkale Mah. 4469 Sok. No: 1F / 14 Döşemealtı / Antalya of Trans Antalya Nakliyat İnşaat Turizm Tic. And San. Ltd. Sti. or by sending with a secure electronic signature to our registered e-mail address,
Our right to object the relevant application is reserved, if the sent documents and information have got mistake / fault or the application is without authorisation.
Response Time for the Request Relating to Processing of Personal Data
We evaluate your demand for right regarding your personal data and respond within 30 days from the day your requests are received. If our response to this request is negative, we send the reasoned rejection reasons to the address you specified via e-mail or mail.
How can you get more detailed information about the processing of your personal data?
For more detailed information about the processing of your personal data, you can request us through the "Application Form" on our website.