+90 (242) 344 33 86



Süleyman Toprak has born in Antalya in 1958. He has carried on a business in logistic sector since 1978 and established the company Trans Antalya in 2002. At the moment he is the president of the board directors of company. He has carried the company among the leading companies in the sector with more than 30 years of experience in the refrigerated transportation subject.


Ömer Toprak has born in Antalya in 1978. He graduated from Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Business Administration in 2000 and started his career as an Assistant Customs Consultant and performed service in the Customs sector for 17 years. He has been leading his profession life as operations manager at Transport Company Trans Antalya since 2017.


Kadir Toprak has born in Antalya in 1981. He started to work at the company Trans Antalya as a driver in 2005. He has been leading his profession life as the operations manager at Me-Su International Transport Company since 2017 with 12 years of chauffeur experience.